گفتگو با کارشناسان
Smart Phone and Tablet

Smart Phone and Tablet

Dongle or Mi-Fi

Dongle or Mi-Fi

Home Appliances

Home Appliances

Laptop Camera

Laptop Camera

Video and Audio

Video and Audio

Office and Industrial Equipment

Office and Industrial Equipment

In future humans will see a world where all these appliances are connected via internet without any human interference. If necessary, users can control those appliances using applications. As a pioneering operator, Rightel took an initiative to introduce smart life page on its website to supplement information provided for its subscribers. In smart life page, phones and tablets as well as all other devices that connect to internet are shown to ensure users that these devices connect to Rightel network.

زندگی هوشمند را با رایتل تجربه کنید
هوشمند به سبک رایتل

This list is for informational purposes only and does not impose any liability on the RighTel company.