Handling call complaints
If a RighTel subscriber is disturbed by prank calls, he/she may issue complaint in person or through a legal attorney.
The methods of issuing prank call complaints are as follows:
The Subscriber must attend one of the main Service Provider Centers of RighTel while bringing the original copy of National ID Card and the Title Deed of SIM Card. For more information on the list of main centers of this services, please refer to Customer Service Centers Page.
The Subscriber may download the prank call complaints form from RighTel web site, complete the form, and notarizes his/her signature in a notary public. The mentioned form together with a certified copy of SIM Card Title Deed and National ID Card shall be sent to the address of RighTel Company.
To download the form, please click here.
if the subscribers of landlines or other operators (not RighTel) wish to complaint against one of RighTel subscribers, they shall follow their complaint through their own operator. Obviously, in this case RighTel will cooperate with the mentioned operator.