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SIM Card Transfer

RighTel subscribers are able to transfer their SIM Card to other persons. After applicable procedures are completed, ownership of the transferor is revoked and the transferee is held as the new owner of the RighTel SIM Card.
To transfer your SIM Card, you can refer to all Customer Service Centers and some RighTel dealers providing sale services.

Documents & required conditions for a SIM Card transfer are as follows:

Presence of both transferor and transferee or their legal representative(s);

Principal National ID card or new birth certificate with National ID card of applicant/lawyer/ legal subscriber representative

Principal & image of proxy (in case of referral by lawyer)

Having an active SIM card registered in the subscriber's name with one of the mobile operators is required in order to receive a one-time authentication code.

Payment of hot bill for postpaid SIM Cards

Set the transfer document and insert the signature & fingerprints of the parties


If RighTel SIM Card is one way blocked or two-way blocked, it could be transferred after unblock SIM Card.

After the SIM Card transfer, Rial credit & all activated packages on the SIM Card that subscriber for which has paid amounts, will be transferred to new transferee.

As per the Regulatory Authority's advised laws, mobile network operators are not allowed to sell SIM Cards to minor entities of younger than 18.

According to the approved by the Ministry of Information & Communications Technology of Iran to issue a maximum number of 10 SIM Cards for each real entity, the transferee's SIM Card will be blocked if he/she is found to own more than 10 SIM Cards after SIM Card transfer.