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RighTel Cooperation with Alaa

Virtual courses for University entry exam with no subscription fee

Alaa online courses are designed for first period high school students and second high school student in tenth, eleventh and twelfth levels covers general and specialized courses with special packages for university entry exam. RighTel subscribers can take these courses for free.

Direct Access

Via RighTel internet, you have free access to Alaa online video courses by clicking on the icon below.

Alaa virtual courses offer

Online courses for first and second high school periods and university entry exam

Educational courses designed for Olympiad preparation

Comprehensive university entry exam conferences

Educational courses designed for exam night

Online 3A exams designed for university entry exam

Educational consultation videos and interviews with top ranked students in 2021 university entry exam

Educational videos and pamphlets available to download

Membership in Alaa-Khoone social media

Joining over 5 million students across Iran with Alaa courses

Internet tariff for Alaa


You will pay the full price for your internet usage to access Alaa if you are not an Alaa subscriber; however, you will enjoy a 50% discount on your internet tariffs if you subscribe to the program.

Afarinak support


RighTel subscribers should submit inquires and trouble-shooting requests at Alaa website ticket section.


Dear subscriber, the aforementioned services are provided by a partner company to RighTel. To get support services please use the ticket section ONLY.