tamin chain
Chief supply chain & corporate officer of RighTel Telecommunication services Co, in order to implementation of approval No 163 for the Regulatory Authority Commission by the Communications Regulatory Authority is invited all the domestic manufacturers / suppliers of the following goods groups: catalog, brochure, goods specifications and contact details (incl. Telephone, fax, Address, Email, Website) by sending the company’s field of activity to the Chief supply chain at e-mail address: procurement@rightel.ir or fax 021-22011247
Supply of equipment
Consultation services
Technical & engineering services and executive power
Contracting services
Printing and advertising services
Maintenance services
Systems - Software - Antivirus - Licenses
Administrative items
IT items
Meanwhile appreciating your visiting the RighTel website, let us know if you would like to enter the suppliers list of this company to complete the following information and download the relevant files so that after reviewing the submitted documentation, necessary action is taken.